Home Water Purification Secrets To Keep You Safe and Healthy

If you are looking to get a water purification device then it pays to learn which type to look for and which to avoid. With so many available, the choice can seem bewildering, but with a little knowledge the task becomes quite simple.

Unfortunately, home water purification has become almost a necessity today with all the contaminants and outbreaks of disease related to water pollution, and with many municipals introducing chloramines to clean the supplies instead of chlorine, the situation is deteriorating further.

Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and ammonia and as it stays in the supplies for longer it leaches out toxic lead from the pipes, including the ones in your home. Therefore any water purifier you get needs to be able to take out lead effectively for starters as over 1 in 5 Americans now have their water treated this way.

The secret to pure, healthy water is to select a multi-step carbon block system with ion exchange and sub micron filtering as these are proven to remove 99% of all the bad stuff yet still leave in the essential trace minerals like calcium which are good for us.

The bad stuff includes an ever growing list of pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, lead, prescription drugs and PCB’s and it’s estimated that you have a 93% higher chance of getting cancer if you use chlorinated water, without some form of home water purification.

If you don’t get a whole house system to clean all your water, then it’s worth looking at getting a shower filter in addition to the regular countertop type as you can absorb more toxins, especially chloroform, in a 10 minute shower than by drinking over two liters of unfiltered water!

If you want the peace of mind that comes from having the most effective home water purification available to keep your family safe, then follow these guidelines and you can soon start enjoying great tasting healthy water as it should be, free from any harmful chemicals.

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